Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Online Shopping

This may create some controversy.  I've been reading several articles lately about how stores are closing, malls have empty stores, everyone is shopping online.  The articles go on to say how sad it is, it hurts the cities, etc.

I'm an online shopper.  Let me tell you why I have turned to online shopping for the most part.

      1.  Do you know how hard it is to find ANYONE to help you in a store?  Seriously, are the workers permanently located in the break room?  Or do you just not hire enough workers to help the customers who do want to come into your store?

    2. Self-Service Check-Out   -- I HATE THIS!!!  I am not on your payroll.  You are not giving me a paycheck every payday so why should I come to your store to scan and bag my own items then give you my money? At the very least there should be a discount for you if you choose to do self-service check-out. Nope I'll wait in line for the one checker you have on the registers (of which there may be 24 but you only have a checker on 1).

  3.  Temperature of the store. I know it's difficult to find a temperature that is comfortable for everyone and this is more of an issue for me as I've gotten older.  But I hate standing in a store dripping sweat while trying to shop.  It makes trying on clothes a torture!  No thanks -- I'll take my chances and order online and send it back if it doesn't fit.  I'm sure there are other menopausal women out there who understand this.

  4. No place to sit.  You may be thinking if you are shopping why are you sitting?  Well, again this may be an issue only for older people, but I can only walk so long before I have to stop and rest.  I have one leg that goes numb or dead if I stand on it to long.  If that isn't happening, then my hips hurt so bad that I literally cannot take a step without pain.  I just need to sit down for a couple of minutes and rest my legs then I'm good to go again.

  5.  The general disarray and messiness of the store itself.  Some stores are so cluttered, so messy that I cannot find anything I am looking for.  This relates back to #1.  I've worked retail.  I know that customers come in and look at items and while some may fold the article and put it back where it goes neatly for the most part they don't.  But I don't need to have to watch the floor to be certain my cart isn't running over items that have been thrown on the floor.

  6. No prices.  Have you noticed how many items don't actually have a price tag on them - just the bar code?  Yeah, this may be convenient for that one checker you have but I kinda like to know what something costs before I buy it.  Looking at tags on the shelf isn't always helpful because of the fact that someone did not put the item I'm looking at in the correct place.

There you have it - six big reasons I do most of my shopping online.

 Now don't get me wrong.  This applies mainly to larger stores or 'chain' stores.  Smaller boutiques are not this way.  The stores are always well maintained, dressing rooms are not overflowing with clothes. You have a question, someone is right there to answer or assist.  I still think they could put a couple of chairs around to rest but that I can deal with since they provide such great service.

I've worked retail before - grocery and department stores so I know what it's like. I'm not trying to upset anyone who works retail now.

I agree, it is sad to see stores closing and buildings sitting empty but now you know why I prefer online shopping.

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