Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tornado Season

It's May in Oklahoma. One thing you can count on is we will have tornado warnings.  The last few days have been pretty intense for us here. We started with earthquakes on Friday and progressed to tornadoes and flooding.

If you're my friend on Facebook, or you have friends on Facebook who live in Oklahoma, you might have seen several funny posts regarding tornadoes.  We deal with it with humor.

That doesn't mean that we don't take these warnings seriously.  We do.

Over the weekend the weather forecasters were advising that this was going to be a major storm.  The severity was enough to cause several school districts to cancel school Sunday night for Monday.  Some schools closed early on Monday.

I don't know about the rest of the state but the meteorologists here in Tulsa are AWESOME!  They pinpoint and advise and go non-stop coverage. And when I say pinpoint they tell you area by area where the threat is right down to specific neighborhoods.

Yesterday my work let out at 10:30. The day was rainy, overcast and gloomy. The main storm didn't get to us until close to 8 pm or so. Sirens went off - and off - and off. The weather guys were vigilant and very informative in their tracking of the storms.

First round was intense. It was close to 10:30 before we felt it was safe enough to go to bed.  We never took cover ourselves here at our house. If we had kids at home with us we probably would have as a precaution. Again, our forecasters are amazing and we knew the direction of the storm.

The evening was filled with occasional warnings of severe storms, flooding, etc. but uneventful. Got up this morning early to get ready for work as usual. You guessed it - sirens and warnings started about 6:20 am.  Torrential rain came down - tornadoes spotted - as close as one mile from us.  Once again a big shout out to our forecasters - who had actually been on air non-stop since last night.

The weather has cleared out now. The sun is shining. The storms have passed but we still face flooding from all the rain received.

For family and friends who have checked on us, we appreciate the thoughts and prayers. And again, we may joke and post funny memes etc, on Facebook but we do take these warnings seriously. It's just Oklahoma's way of making the best of a bad situation. 

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