Sunday, June 2, 2013

Grandma's Rules

Remington and Lily spent the night with us last night.  We had lots of fun playing in the pool, playing 5 Second Rule (if you do not have this game - go buy it right now!), Farkle, tickle attack.  Well, I think you get the idea.  We had fun.

When they spend the night they like to sleep in the living room.  We have two matching sofas.  They each get their own sofa.   We take the back pillows off and they are allowed to watch TV for an hour before it gets turned off.  I sit on one sofa with Lily for half the time and then I sit with Remington for the other half.   If they stay on Friday night we watch Wipe Out.  On Saturday night we usually watch something that is recorded.  Well, last night after their TV time I gave them hugs and kisses good night and started to leave the room when Remington says, "Did you tell Lily the rule?'

A few weeks ago when they spent the night Remington told me he got up at 4:00.  I jokingly said 'Oh, really?  How do you know this?"  His response was that he looked at the clock on the microwave and it said 4:00 so he turned TV on.  Now Remington stays over more often than Lily.  I had to tell him that the rule was you could not get up and watch TV until at least 6:00.  If you got up before then you had to go back to bed.  So I told Lily that she was not allowed to get up until 6:00 (not really an issue for her but Remington wanted to be sure she knew the rule).  Remington said "well, if you wake up a little bit before it's OK to get up but the earliest you can get up would be 5:55 but not before." 

Well, this is not the only rule that Grandma has.  Number one rule is a kitchen rule:  No hands in your pants in the kitchen!   This came about a few years ago when the twins were like 4 or 5 and used to walk around with their hands in their pants all the time.  I don't know if they did that because they didn't have pockets in their pants or what but they did.  Then they would want to help in the kitchen.   Thus the rule was enforced:  No hands in your pants in the kitchen!

Another rule I have is regarding the swimming pool.  Now Remington and Lily usually get along very well together - especially considering how close together in age they are.  But like all kids they will have little disagreements.  This probably occurs in the pool more frequently than any other time.  After spending all afternoon yesterday in the pool I made the following rule:  if you get in trouble in the pool you have to set out for 5 minutes.  Get in trouble a second time you set out for 10 minutes.  get in trouble a 3rd time and you are out for the rest of the day. 

But probably the rule I use most often with Remington and Lily is:  Don't act like crack kids!.  They have a habit of being kinda crazy.  I know most kids do.  However, there are times that the craziness can get out of hand.  So, I have to tell them as we pull up to K-Mart or tonight at church when they have been being crazy in the car:  OK - time to stop the nonsense.  I don't want any crack kids at church with me!  We also decided that since Chris was with us tonight, that he needed the same rule.  But since he is an adult, not a kid, the rule was changed. Chris can't be a crackhead!

So if you are ever around them - ask them what Grandma's rules are.  See if they tell you No crack kids allowed. 

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