Monday, July 8, 2013

Crazy Kitty

You ever watch a TV commercial and think "What nutso thought of this?"  Well, that's what I think every time I see the commercial for the cat toy.  It makes Gary laugh hysterically.  They have some fake mouse they put underneath a cloth and it goes around in a circle for the cat to chase.  The commentary says "make lazy kitty crazy kitty".

Seriously - the last thing I need is a crazy kitty at my house.  Now granted we have Fat Cat - 8-Ball.  But she is really old.  We've had her 15 years this October. She spends her days just lounging around.  Well, I'm not sure it could be called lounging -- more like spreading around.  She plops somewhere and then her body just oozes out around her.  She is most active at night when she is trying to settle in bed with us.  And when she settles there is no budging her - it's like a brick settled on the bed.  I really don't think they are gonna make her be a 'crazy cat'.  If they are lucky she might do a little two-step on her way to chow down on some more food.  She is so fat that when she jumps off the bed you hear a big "THUD!"  Although she does have her moments when she attacks Psycho Cat. 

Now do we really need to make Psycho Cat (Bandit) be a 'crazy kitty'?  I don't think so! She has the name Psycho Cat for a good reason.  She is already a crazy kitty.  Why on earth would we want to make her crazier?  Every one of my grand kids is scared of her.  She has a reputation.  Even the grandpup is scared of her and refuses to go into a room if Psycho Cat is in there. Her reputation is so bad that one day I drove up with some church kids in my car.  Psycho Cat was in the window sill. The boys took one look at her and said "is that the mean cat?"  Yeah, she's pretty wild already - don't need to add to her reputation. 

Yep, I think it's a given I don't need to be spending any $10 plus shipping and handling to make my cat be 'crazy kitty'.  Now if there were selling something like calming potion for cats I might think differently.   Does your cat wreck havoc on the neighborhood?  Do other cats run in fear when your cat appears?   Tame your cat - sprinkle a little fairy dust on the cat food and watch how docile your cat will become. That might be something I would order. 

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