Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Are you a procrastinator?  Procrastinate: to put off intentionally or deliberately.  That's the definition from Merriam Webster. 

I think everyone is, to some extent, a procrastinator.  We all like to put off the things we don't like to do.  Cleaning the bathroom, mopping the floor, firing an employee, all of these are unpleasant tasks and we put them off if we can. 

Now, I prefer to think of myself not as a procrastinator but as a rationaliser.  Big difference.   I am not putting off doing something;  I will, instead, give you very good reasons for why I am not doing something.  And trust me, any reason I give you will be a valid reason.  I've been doing this all my life.  I know how to rationalize. 

Give me any situation or chore and I can rationalize both sides of it.  I can explain exactly why you should do it or why you should not.  If you need help explaining to hubby why his favorite shirt isn't clean, call me.  I can give you ways to explain that might even have him offering to do the laundry.   Nothing to eat for dinner - no problem - I'll explain it away for you. 

I'm very good at this.  Eat an extra dessert (I don't usually do this because I'm not a big dessert person) but I will certainly help you explain why you did if you shouldn't have.  Spend the day doing nothing - I mean really doing nothing!  Except perhaps Pinterest and Facebook.  I will rationalize that for you too.  I'm sure that you have been extremely busy all week long and needed a day to regroup and recharge and what better way to do this than Pinterest and Facebook.  Not to mention that now you have a ton of recipes from Pinterest so you will not have the issue of nothing to eat for dinner next week like you did this week.  There - I just rationalized two issues for you right there!

Another example:  the extra bedroom needs to be cleaned up for company.  Reasons to do so:  you have to work the next 7 days because you are taking time off to spend with the company who is coming.  You will not have any time other than today to clean and straighten the extra room because every night next week after work you have commitments that will keep you away from home until at least 8:00 every evening.  Your company will not be able to use the room because you have actually been using the bed for your filing cabinet for the last 3 months. 
Reasons to put off cleaning the room:  You deserve to spend this time resting because you are going to have to work the next 7 days and you have a commitment every night next week after work.  No need to do much work now because you are going to have to clean the room after company leaves and change the linens and have extra laundry.  Because you are spending time with your company you are going to let most chores slide and will then have to do some major housework after they leave so you certainly better get some rest now because it will probably be at least 2 weeks before you have another chance to rest. 

Have I convinced you yet?  Remember I do not procrastinate - I rationalize! 

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