Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Anchor In My Life

 Anchor  When I looked this word up in the dictionary it is listed as being a noun (five definitions for this), a verb (six definitions or examples).   It also listed four idioms for this word. 

Anchor - short definition - device dropped by chain, cable or rope to restrict motion.  A person or thing that can be relied on for support.  To hold fast. 

In church we are talking about Being the Body. We have a commitment to each other.  The thought that keeps circling around in my mind is an anchor.  What is the anchor that holds our church together?  What is the anchor that holds me? 

We are a part of a team and we need to be the anchor for each other.  You don't climb a mountain by yourself.  You are part of a team and you connect yourselves together.  In the event that the lead person (or any other member) should fall, the rest of the team would then become the anchor that would be the life line for the fallen.  This takes commitment from every member.  If you fail to hold the rope in place for the person on the end it could end in tragedy.  As part of the team, you encourage each other.  You have to be a willing participant.  Someones life is dependent on your actions. 

Do we look at our relationship with Christ this same way? Do we make Him our Anchor.  The One whom we can rely on for support to always be there.  The One who will hold us fast?  By the same token, are we the anchor for the ones we come in contact with?  Are we willing to share our faith with others and be their anchor?  This means putting yourself on the line.

Cross the room, cross the street - get out of your comfort zone. Share your faith with everyone you come in contact with. Do this by sharing your testimony.  Everyone has one - it comes from the tests you have gone through. Did it make you a better person?  Did you learn something that you are able to share to help someone else going through the same test?  Don't like to speak in front of people?  How will they know that Christ died for them if you don't tell them?  

It means you make the time to check on others, encourage them as needed in whatever way is needed.  It's an investment of yourself.  It has to be intentional.  It doesn't just happen unless you make it happen. 

Bottom line -- I know that Christ is my Anchor.  He keeps my path steady.  He keeps me from drifting in the wrong directions.  He is a constant on whom I know I can depend.  There is never a question of whether or not He will be there. I want everyone to have that same stability in their lives.

Be the one to make waves, share your faith and become someones anchor. 

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