Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Mothers Day

Mother's Day is this Sunday. A day to celebrate our mothers. I have not been able to do this for to many years, unfortunately.  However, I do celebrate my daughters on Mothers Day. I always send them a card. I thought I would write a blog for my children for Mothers Day as a thank you.

First of all -- THANK YOU! Thank each and every one of you for the joy you have given me. Thank you for the lessons you have taught me. Thank you for the blessing you have given me.

My mother had died before any of my children were born so I had no one to give me 'motherly' advise on how to handle a baby, raise a child, nurse a sick child, handle the teenage years, or any of the things most mothers pass along. I had people giving me their opinions but they weren't my mom so it was opinions. I trusted my instincts and did the best I knew to do and we muddled through. Each child has presented their own set of issues but every one of my five children have grown to be responsible, respectful, giving, hard-working members of their community.

Now for some of the lessons they have taught me.

They have taught me to love life and laughter.

This may seem mundane or trite but is so true. Life is to short so enjoy every minute you have and along the way LAUGH.  Enjoy yourself and the people you are with. You will be creating memories for your children and grandchildren. I hope mine remember the laughter.

They have taught me patience - to a degree.

I had much more patience when I was younger so it's a good thing I had my kids young. My patience was tested, stretched and strengthened when we adopted my youngest two children. I am by nature a very impatient person to some degree so any patience I was able to learn through raising my children has been a gift.

They have taught me love.

You've heard it said that there is no love like a mother's love and that is so true. The love I have for my children is boundless and without measure. It is only increased by the love I have for my grandchildren.

They have taught me giving.

I thought I knew about giving until my children came along. Not giving of material things but giving of ones self for another. I saw this in my girls when they were little in the things they did for each other and the way they always wanted to 'help' me. As they grew older I saw them giving of themselves for their friends. I see it even more as adults when they give up their lives to help expectant sisters or friends with anything needed No hesitation no questions just do what needs to be done. I see my son volunteering on his days off work (and sometimes on days he does work) at a local nursing home for the past 4 years since graduating.

They have taught me humility.

I don't know how to explain this but just having my children be who they are makes me humble.

They have taught me to be myself.

This one may seem like a given but many people try to be who they think others want them to be. They try to live up to someone else's expectations. Through my children I have learned - just be yourself and make the most of what you have. If it means being crazy and nutsy with them as you stay up late giggling and take goofy pictures do it.

Throughout this I have shared some photos. All of my children love to have their picture taken. After trying to find pictures of myself with each child I realized I need to make more of an effort to include myself in pictures. One of my children I was able to find several pictures of her and I (no names here but she is a Muskateer LOL).  No separate picture of myself and my youngest daughter Amanda. She loves having her picture taken just not so much with me and that's okay.

I want to encourage every one if you are able to call your mother and tell her Happy Mothers Day.

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