Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Grumpy Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time --- what idiot came up with this brilliant idea?

I mean seriously?  Who in their right mind thinks that if you go to bed you can wake up the next morning and have more daylight just because you set your clock ahead one hour?  Really?  The sun doesn't just hover in the hour for an extra hour.  You have the same number of hours that the sun is going to be shining whether you are awake or not.  If you want more sunlight then you make it happen for yourself!  Don't make everyone suffer!

Can you tell that I think Daylight Savings Time is STUPID!!!  And why did they say that this time change had to take place at 2:30 am?  That's the middle of the night for crying out loud!  Do they really think people are going to get up at that time to change their clocks?  Get real!! 

Then comes the dilemma that everyone has.  You set your clocks ahead when you go to bed.  So all of a sudden you are going to bed late.  You can get around this problem by going to bed early.  However, you probably will just lay in bed awake for an hour because it wasn't time to go to bed yet. 

You are defeated before it even starts!  Since you are going to bed late (or early so you can lay in bed worrying)  you worry that you won't wake up in time.  So you lay there in bed worrying about waking up on time then you start to wonder about your alarm.  Will it work?  Who knows.  Now I use my cell phone for my alarm.  So I have to wonder - is my phone going to change itself at 2:30?  Will my alarm go off at the right time?  Maybe I can wake up at 2:30 and watch my cell phone clock change itself.  How does that work? 

The next morning when you get up you check your phone to see what time it says. Then you go check a clock that you set forward to be sure that your phone is correct.  Then you have to make sure that all the clocks got changed.  We don't worry about it at my house.  We set the clock on the microwave and let the rest go. Now to be honest I think we only have one other real clock in the house that works and I don't like to mess with taking it off the wall.  So we never know if it's the right time or not but that's okay.  It will be correct part of the year. 

So everyone is tired from losing an hour of sleep and now you have to try to put kids to bed while the sun is still shining.  This makes me think that it was a man who thought of the idea of Daylight Savings Time.  Stupid!!

Now it used to be that you knew Daylight Savings Time started the first Sunday in April and ended the last Sunday in October.  Not anymore!  Some idiot decided that wasn't smart.  So now just whenever it changes.  No particular day - just sometime in the middle of the month they decide - let's change the time.  Brilliant!  Let's really mess with people's minds. 

And when the weather man tells me on the evening news that "it sure is nice to have that sunshine at 7:30 pm as the days get longer", my thought is:  I want to strangle you.  Seriously, I don't care if the sun is shining at 7:30 pm.  It's cold outside I ain't gonna be out there doing anything.  And I certainly am not happy getting up and driving to work in pitch dark.  Good thing it wasn't that perky little morning weather girl who does nothing but smile all the time.  I'd have to smash her face if she said something like that with her big perky smile. 

Now as if it's not bad enough that Daylight Savings Time make people grumpy; guess what I heard on the news this morning?  Women require more sleep than men or they will be grumpy.  Reason women need more sleep is that they use their brains more during the day because they multi-task.  Therefore, women need more sleep than men.  Duh!  It's not just me.  I'm not just tired (well, actually I am.  I require lots of naps throughout the day).  The news report said that if women do not get the extra sleep, at least 20 minutes a day, they will be grumpy!

Really??!!  They had to do a study for this?  A study saying if you don't get enough sleep you will be grumpy!  I wish I could get in on these studies.  They are stupid and someone is being paid big bucks for these stupid studies.  Ask me and I will tell you that if I don't get enough sleep I am grumpy!!  Ask any mother of a small child and they will tell you that if the child does not get enough sleep they will be grumpy! 

Now, let's be really stupid and report this study the week that Daylight Savings Time begins!  We have already been cheated out of an hour of sleep.  Now let's tell you that you may be grumpy if you don't get enough sleep.  Brilliant!  You should have spent a little bit more money on your study and researched the proper time to release your findings. 

Now you know my feelings on Daylight Savings Time and you probably can guess that I'm a little bit grumpy

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