Friday, August 30, 2013

Bizarre Accident

Have you ever thought about strange accidents, or strange fears or anything like that?  I know I can't be the only one who does.  Well, a while back I wrote about what I called Momisms.  This brought to mind some strange accidents my children have had. 

Of course I told you already about breaking your elbow by tripping on your shoelace.  But here is a really bizarre accident.  We were living at Boys Ranch at the time and the three older girls had to share a bedroom.  Not really a big deal.  Well, one morning my youngest come out of their room holding her nose blood just gushing.  When I asked what happened I was informed that her older sister had stuck a hanger  up her nose and yanked it back out!  What!!!  Yep, I guess after piecing together information that the younger one was only trying to help pick out an outfit for school.  Fast forward about 13 son comes downstairs one morning holding his nose blood gushing.  I asked what happened.  He replies I don't know it just started bleeding.  Knowing better I say:  Don't give me that story.  I've seen this accident before.  You've had a hanger up your nose haven't you?  He replies sheepishly yes.  Turns out for whatever reason he did this to himself.  I didn't want to delve into the whys of this! This is a bizarre accident and it happened to my family not once but twice!  Unreal!!!!

How about this one.  When my youngest of the older girls was about 18 months old she fell forward in church and hit her nose on the back of the pew.  You're thinking not so uncommon.  Well, don't be so sure!  This was no little bump on the nose -- blood gushing - took me forever to get it to stop.  She broke her nose.   And when I'm saying blood is gushing in these stories I am not exaggerating.  I grew up with three brothers, I have had many, many accidents, I've raised 5 kids....blood is not something that freaks me out. 

How about this one --- my oldest daughter sliding in the hall wedges her foot underneath the bathroom door and cuts the top of her foot.   Pretty nasty looking cut -- sure left a nice little scar too. 

I kinda like this one too. The two younger girls were taking a bath and the youngest comes out to tell me that Charlie has cut her eye.  I'm wondering why on earth they are playing with razors around their eyes.  So I go to check out this issue.  Turns out that the shampoo bottle had fallen off the shelf above and hit her on the eyebrow right on the bone and sure enough - she cut her eye.  Nice one Bear!  

How about this?  Having a bike race with your brother.  Riding alongside the road in the gravel and he deliberately steers his bike into mine causing me to wreck so he can win the race.  Nasty little scrape on top of leg.  A few days later, this same cut becomes infected with poison ivy.  Now we have a really  nasty scrape.  It did eventually heal but left quite a scar.  This one happened to me.  Maybe that explains the strange accidents my children have. 

Now, I want to end with this story.  It is not such a bizarre accident but it is amusing to hear.   Girls outside riding bikes on gravel road.  One falls and hurts herself badly.  All scraped up - lots of blood - she is hobbling.  I pick her up to carry her inside to clean it up and see how bad it is.  I send her sister on ahead with instructions to get me a warm washcloth so I can see how bad she is hurt.  I carry the injured daughter inside, get her situated on couch and holler at younger daughter hurry up!  I need the wash cloth.  She replies: I'm getting it.  I go into the bathroom to see what is taking so long.  There stood my daughter with a wash cloth in one hand the spray bottle used for wetting their hair down in the other hand.  She is diligently spraying away on the washcloth.  I take the wash cloth from her, put it under the faucet, wring it out and tell her:  you sister could die while waiting on you to bring a washcloth.  Fortunately after cleaning the scrape it wasn't as bad as it could have been. 

There are more I could recount but let's save those for another post. 

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