Monday, May 26, 2014

Just for Amusement

I've had a long four day weekend and have spent a lot of time doing nothing but amusing myself.  I was going to get my laundry all done on Friday but the drain backed up - had to call landlord who asked if I thought I had plugged it.  Seriously?? No, I think you came over and did something to plug it.  All I know is it worked yesterday, I did a load of laundry today - it didn't work.  We tried to snake it out without any success.  His next question?  Do you think I should call a plumber?  No let's call the air conditioner guy - I bet he can get a handle on the plumbing issues. Well, we did get it fixed on Saturday much to my surprise.

So I have spent my weekend spending time on Facebook and Pinterest, between cleaning house and doing laundry.  I have a system -- I work a little then get on the computer a little,  It works for me and that's all that matters.  The thing is, I have spent more time on Pinterest than I normally do.  It amuses me.  I find a lot of neat stuff on there and send a lot of neat stuff to my friends that I think they will enjoy.  I also find a lot of things that just amuse me.  I thought I would share some of the amusing things here with you.  

Yeah, this makes me laugh because I make myself laugh.  I hope that's a good thing I like to think it is because then I'm not dependent on anyone else for my happiness. 

This is just funny.  How many times have you heard someone ask this?  

Gary says I'm accident prone.  I think it kinda runs in the family - Lily has this issue also.  

This is funny because I can actually see someone asking this.  The only other option would be that you decided to take a nap on your back on the floor.  Or maybe you wanted to count the ceiling tiles.  

I include this one just because it made me laugh when I first read it.  

And we know that this works because it seems like you find that address once the radio is turned down,  

Now these are just a few of the things I found amusing this weekend.  It also helps explain why I spend time on Pinterest when I have time to myself.  I have a lot more but didn't want to overwhelm you in one post.  I'll do more of them another time.  



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