Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What's For Dinner?

I've mentioned before that Gary and I changed churches over a year ago.  One of the hardest things was not having the connection with friends who are like family to us.  We try to keep in contact.  We have a weekly dinner date with two people who are very close to us.  Look forward to that.  I've also talked before about Gary's love of cooking.  He loves to cook and try new recipes.  I've also blogged before about Pinterest. 

Well, we found a way to combine these three together!  Drum roll please ....... we have committed to trying one new recipe every week.  And we asked our very dear friend Ms. Annette to come and experiment wit us.  She and Gary were co-cooks together for all meals at our previous church.  I don't know which is more fun; choosing what we are going to try for next week, actually cooking the food (well, this would be the fun part for Gary and Annette LOL) or just spending time with our friend. No matter - it is a win-win situation for me!    

Last week we had Tuscan Garlic Chicken with Pasta.  
It was scrumptious of course.  

This week we went with Tequila Lime Chicken with Rice Casserole and Refried Black Beans

Gary said he couldn't remember actually buying Tequila (well, since he was 21 anyway).  I don't think I ever have.  How was it you asked?  Well see for yourself.  

Who would have thought those ingredients would cook up like this?  Yum, yum.  And even better is listening to Annette and Gary critique the food.  They discuss the ingredients, cilantro, cumin, tequila, lime.  I will be honest  - they are good at that.  I not so much. It is not uncommon for Gary to make me a 'treat' and when I ask what it is he will say, "what do you taste?"  Really?  I just taste food.  I have trouble isolating specific ingredients.  

Tonight was good; and as you can see in the above picture, Chris was ready to try it.  Although, I will say he surprised all of us and only ate one plateful tonight.  

Rice casserole - lots of cheese.  You can't go wrong with cheese.

The Tequila Lime Chicken  - yes again with cheese!  

And re fried black beans  - not from a can either.  

Yep, we ate good tonight.  And as you can see - we had plenty of food.  We might have to start inviting random people to join us so we don't have leftovers. :)   What's for dinner next week you ask?  You will just have to stay tuned and find out.  But it does promise to be yummy!

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