Monday, November 18, 2013

Christmas times a-coming

The holidays are quickly approaching.  Now if you follow my posts on Facebook you are thinking - Duh!  You post something along this line almost daily.  I admit - I do post a lot of Christmas countdowns, Black Fridays, etc.  But believe it or not - the holidays have snuck up on me this year.  Guess I was a little bit   to pre-occupied with a wedding to actually realize how close they were. 

It just occurred to me this past week that I have a lot coming up.  Church Thanksgiving this coming weekend, family Thanksgiving (which is the actual Thanksgiving Day) next week, week after that a trip to Branson to enjoy lights and magic and Silver Dollar City.  Yep, a lot going on and I haven't even planned a Christmas Vacation movie night!! 

Now, it may not surprise you if you know me at all to know that I am already planning on where I am going to put my Christmas trees this year.  I'm not talking the little decorative ones I'm talking my big ones.  I have a huge 9 foot tree to go in my living room - and of course this calls for some re-arranging of furniture.  The tree itself goes in front of the window - but the furniture has to be moved around.  My next smaller tree (I think it's 6 foot) goes in the dining room.  I have to decide where I want to put it and of course - re-arrange the furniture.  Do you see a pattern here?  Then there is the small 5 foot tree I try to put in the kitchen and let Remington and Lily decorate -- still requires a small amount of re-arranging.  And this year - I have a red tree that Lily wants to put up in "her" room.  Yep, I have lots to think about!  And I love it. 

We sat down yesterday and planned our Thanksgiving menu.  To make our new son-in-law feel welcome we are going to have pecan pie.  For Gary we have chocolate pie, for K.C. we have pumpkin roll and of course we have pumpkin pie because it's Thanksgiving!  We have a tradition we have started of going to a movie on Thanksgiving day - so we have been trying to decide which movie to watch.  I think we have settled on Free Birds.  Sounds appropriate I think. 

Now, because of the wedding plans and my surgery I got a jump start on my Christmas shopping this year and have actually already done quite a bit.  I am however, looking forward to some of our traditional shopping places for Black Friday (Mardel's, Gordman's, Dollar Tree maybe Garden Ridge).  I sometimes take Remington and Lily out to do Black Friday shopping later in the afternoon.  I kind of like this too.  Perhaps this year we will hit up the Dollar Tree and let them choose some items for that red tree they want to put up in Lily's room. 

I have also been making some mental notes about decorating.  I have a couple of ideas for my dining room table (from Pinterest no less) and cannot wait to pull out all of the to numerous to count tubs from the attic and start putting stuff in place. (And I'm not joking about there being a lot of tubs - perhaps ten maybe more). My problem is I think I need more display space and I don't know where that will come from.  I do have a little bit of concern about my outside lights as this is typically done by my father-in-law while his wife and I go shopping on Black Friday. 

And I am so excited about getting to drive around and look at Christmas lights.  When we moved to Tulsa it was so exciting for me!  We moved here from a small town (Bethany, MO) and quite frankly driving to and from the grocery store of an evening you pretty much were able to see most of the Christmas lights in town.  When we moved down here it meant that if we wanted to we could pick a different neighborhood every single night to go drive through!  Such fun!   I quickly choose my favorite house (on 21st and Harvard) which is closely enough that I can see it every night if I want to.  I love to go through Rhema (a walk-through display) which I refer to as a Winter Wonderland of lights. 

Yep, I'm excited.  Wonder if I could get away with pulling those boxes down early to start sorting my decorations so I could get them put up earlier? 

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