Friday, November 22, 2013

Slow down

Life is hectic.  We have so much to do and so many places to be and we feel pulled in every direction.  Some of us have children and parents needing us.  Some of us have jobs requiring more and more of us.  What is a person to do?  You can only spread yourself so far before you break. 

I myself feel very fortunate.  Yes, I have demands on me and things to do (not as much as I used to).  Some of these demands I put on myself.  I have learned not to sweat it and have never let things bother me to much.  But that's me.  Not everyone can do this. 

With the holiday season approaching many of us will switch into high gear or overload status.  Shopping, decorating, entertaining - all of which will put stress into our lives.  Remember, you can only do so much.  Do what you can, don't fret what doesn't get done, enjoy your family. 

Take time for yourself each day and enjoy a cup of your special coffee or tea.  Spend an extra 10 mintues really listening to what your child is telling you.  It may not be anything but the fact that he wants to sing a song he made up.  Just focus on him for 10 minutes - you won't regret later. 

And when things get to be more than you can handle just read the following poem. 


One step at a time
A pilgrimage to make.
One step at a time
That’s all I can take.
One step at a time
That’s all God asks of me.
One step at a time
How hard can it be?

 One step at a time
Draw me closer to You.
One step at a time
Teach me something new.
One step at a time
That’s all that is asked.
One step at a time
Not a difficult task.

 One step at a time
God has set the way.
One step at a time
Don’t let me go astray.
One step at a time
I’ll take with my friends.
One step at a time
To the journey’s end.

 Written by: Kathie Marrs
          April 7, 2008


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