Friday, February 15, 2013


Bet that title got your attention didn't it?  LOL There are all kinds of addictions.  I kind of have an addiction to games.  Doesn't sound so bad does it?  As long as I don't let them consume my life.  I'm talking about computer games on Facebook or even the app games I have on my phone.

I tell you, I didn't realize I was so competitive until I played some of these games! There are just a few that really bring out my competitive spirit thank goodness; and I try not to play them to often.  They cause me to bad-mouth people and say rotten things in my head to them about how stupid they are.  Good thing they don't hear those thoughts when they get their Facebook notification that I have beat their score!  It also doesn't tell them that I sat glued to my screen for 2 hours until I did beat their score. 

Now I do play several games on Facebook and I enjoy them.  I don't play every game that people are sending me invites to or requests for.  I have some I play awhile then get tired of and quit playing.  I may go back to it at a later date and sometimes I don't.

Most of the games give you so many lives you have  (usually it's 5).   You go in, play the game and when you lose the round you lose a life.  I play till my 5 lives are gone then go to another game and play it until 5 lives are gone.  When I lose all my lives in all my games I go find something else to do and go back in an hour or so and don't you know it - I have lives again.  LOL  Easy, peasy.

Now here's the deal.  I don't need Facebook to tell me that I appear to be stuck on this level.  I know that I have been playing this level for quite some time and have lost several lives over it.  I know I have not cleared all the bubbles or dropped all the objects required.  I know that I am in my third week of trying to get past this same level.  And NO - I DO NOT want to spend any of my real money to buy anything to help me out!   I will eventually conquer the level and move on to an even more difficult level and you can again start reminding me that I appear to be having some trouble. 

Don't remind me to many times or I tell you, my fascination with your game may become non-existent and I will turn to another game that doesn't remind me every time I play it that I am not as smart as I thought I was.  I'm sure that threat is going to wreck havoc on the minds of the people who created the games. 

I will say that if I find myself being consumed by having to be on the computer/phone to get my game played or see if I have enough lives to play even one round I stop.  I stop playing the game and force myself to do other things.  Guess, that means that at this point I still have control over my addictions (to games anyway). 

Wish it was that easy for all things, such as eating, drinking etc.  Wait  - I probably just gave some people the thought that I have a drinking problem.  Well, it's a good thing I don't drink alcohol because I would seriously have a drinking problem.  I always have something to drink at hand - usually 2 things.  Water, coffee, hot tea are the main ones.  Trying not to drink as much pop now just need to cut the caffeine again. 
Point is, I am always thirsty!  Always!!!

And now it's time to end this post as I am pretty certain I have lives I can go lose as soon as I fill my coffee cup. 

1 comment:

  1. You really do not have an addiction problem till you spend real money on the game. And then only if it is money that can be spared.

    In a game I play, Marvel:Avengers Alliance, you have weapons that you can use. Some of them are quite rare and cost a bit, others you have to randomly pick a box to get it. Seems one guy spent over $4000 to get that one weapon and he still did not get it. That is addiction, yours in more meh...
