Friday, February 1, 2013


Ok - I am sure you are looking at this title and wondering what in the world is going on with the Girl Scouts and Mafia?

If you live in the Oklahoma area you know that it's Girl Scout cookie time!! This has to be a very much anticipated time ranking almost as close if not closer than Christmas to some people. And if you have ever been a Scout leader or sold Girl Scout cookies you will know exactly what I am talking about when I say Girl Scout Mafia.

A few years ago my daughter became the leader of her daughter's Daisy Troop. What a wonderful mom she is! Her daughter wanted to be a Daisy and no one wanted to be a leader so they could not have a troop. So she embraced the call and became the leader of the troop. This troop has 6-8 of the cutest little girls you have ever seen. I have hosted them to a sleepover in my backyard and even pressented a Kitchen Safety lesson to them for part of a badge requirement. Gotta love those Girl Scouts.

But, I digress..... back to the cookie sales. Each troop is required to order their cookies ahead of time. This means you have to try and guess how many cookies your little cuties will be selling. And if you happen to bad -- you are responsible for every box of cookies and payment of each one!!!!

So you place your order and then you are advised that cookies are in!!! This is where the Girl Scout Mafia comes into play.

Cookies for the area are stored in a huge warehouse. You are given a date and time that you are to pick up the cookies you have ordered for your troop. You must not miss your time that you are allotted and you may not bring anyone with you to pick up the cookies. You must come by yourself.

Wow - sounds wild, huh? Well, wait until you get there to pick up your cookies. You are told you have to back in to the warehouse and you MUST stay within these lines. If you are not a good backer-upper you are in serious trouble. They will stop you and make you start over. And it's not just a stop -- they make a production out of stopping you, whistles blow - arms waving. They mean business when they say "you must back up into the building and stay within these lines." They will do this until they are satisfied that you are backing up properly within the designated lines.

Ok, now that you are in place comes the mafia part. You give them your name and troop number and action begins! They hustle around and start filling your car. The trunk, the floor, every available seat you have is filled with cookies.

Now, as I said a few years ago my daughter started and I went along to help pick up the cookies for the troop. As any good person would do; after I eventually got backed up in a close proxmity of where they wanted me I got out of my car to assist (and be certain that I was getting the cookies I was supposed to). Seems this is a big no-no. I was told in no un-certain terms that I needed to remain in the car. I was told this more than once I believe - and they weren't exactly polite about it either.

It was precision the way they brought cases of cookies over, loaded them up in your car and sent you on your way. They don't like anyone putting them behind schedule because they dont' know how to back up and stay between the lines assigned and they do not want anyone to get out of their car for any reason! YOU MUST REMAIN IN YOUR CAR AT ALL TIMES

Whew! I tell you I went to Israel once and I don't think the security there was tight as it is when you are picking up Girl Scout cookies! And, that was the only time I ever helped pick up cookies. LOL - don't know if that was a request from the Mafia or not but it's possible.

Now, I really cannot end this post about Girl Scout cookies without mentioning my daughter in Arizona. She too is a Girl Scout leader for her daughter's troop. She has been since the beginning and my granddughter is now 13. So she also has done a trememdous job. Because of distance involved I am not active in that troop but I do know several of the girls.

So hats off to my daughters for leading the Girl Scout troops! Also, if you are in the Tulsa area and would like to purchase some Girl Scout cookies I can help you out.

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