Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I've been cheated!!   Yep, it's true I have been cheated.  Not just me but my grand kids too.  We wanted snow!  We wanted lots of snow. We were promised snow. 

Now seriously, for days they have been talking about this storm coming in.  Forecasters saying we could get anywhere from 1-3 or 4-8 inches depending on how far south the cold front pushes.  They gave us winter weather advisories, winter storm warnings and yes even notification of a blizzard!! 

So seriously - wouldn't you expect something from all that!   I did and so did Lily.  We prepared ourselves.  We did the snow dance. You know the dance.  Your arms flail wildly in the air as you twist your body into all kinds of contortions, followed by jumping jacks and then repeat.  The arms flailing in the air represent the snow coming down and the body contortions represent howling blowing winds for the blizzard effect.  Jumping jacks?  Oh, that's representing the snow angels you will be making in the foot deep snow you receive. 

Snow dance accomplished I settle back in my recliner and wait.  I see a few posts on facebook that snow is falling!  YAY -- I am way excited.  I make Chris look out the window to verify that yes it is snowing and he assures me yes it is.  (Didn't want to get out of the recliner if it's a false alarm).  

So Gary and I decide to go for a drive in the snow.  Upon looking out the front door we see big, huge, fluffy flakes falling at an abundant rate.  The grass is already covered.  Great -- things are looking good now.  My porch frog is going crazy!  Whistling at the snow - one whistle right after the other.  He is way excited about the snow.  He is going to whistle it on down. 

We drive around for a while and notice that on the east side of town they only have rain.  A little farther north they only have rain.  I'm a little bit put out about this.  Someone's lying to me and I know just who it is.  The weather forecasters!!!!   Seeing how upset I am Gary heads back to our side of town where there is snow on the ground.

Now at this point, I am a little bit concerned that perhaps we have been misled about the storm.  At our house we no longer have those big, fluffy flakes falling - just a kind of snowy, rainy wet mix.  I already know in my mind what's gonna happen.  I'm getting gypped!!

Sure enough - I wake up this morning to 35 degrees and "wet roads".  Supposedly we got more snow over night but it melted.  I think they're lying about that.  I'm going to need to see some pictures for verification.
Now I will say that there are some areas north and west of us that really did get hard with the storm.  I hope that they all stay safe and warm. But for those of us in this little pocket of area where we never get anything -- we got gypped!! 

All I can say is - it's a good thing I don't have any friends who are weather forecasters!! 

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