Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sports Mania

Okay, people who know me probably don't think of me as a sports fan. Oh, contrair! I like sports - I really do. Problem is I prefer playing over watching. I had 3 brothers - of course I grew up with sports. A few weeks ago watching the Super Bowl with friends I saw that amazing touchdown run. I said "There was a time I could do that." And believe it or not there actually was a time I could do that.

Sports - two on two football - a little two on two basketball - maybe a game of horse - catch -- softball -- wrestling. And then the not so famous sports of thumb wrestling or even chicken wrestling. Oh yes - I was good at them. How about the sport of "Uncle"? You know the game -- entwine your hands together and then twist the arms fast and bend the other persons fingers back until they cry UNCLE! Little wimps! I was good at that game.

Back to football. We played a lot of two on two football. Somehow it seems the rules for backyard two on two are not quite the same as regulation football. I won't say we made rules up as we went because we had our guidelines in place. Example, if your brother pulls his arm back and slugs you right in the eye to prevent you from going out for a pass that will give you the winning run. No flags thrown on that play! And the ability for split second decisions came from times like this. Am I mad enough at this brother to stop the game and go crying to Mom so that my brother will get in trouble? Or do I suck it up, go for the play and win the game? Well, as I said I had 3 brothers -- I wasn't much of a crybaby. I ran the length of the field (well the back yard anyway). Shall I say -- once again Bub got away with murder but Steve and I won the game!

Two on two basketball -- lots of that played. Sometimes it might be three on three or four on four depending on how many of my brothers friends were hanging around. And yes, they let me hang out with them even though they were older. Nice guys. I still play some two on two with the grand kids. Gotta admit - two on two with my oldest grandson and two of his friends is not quite as easy as it used to be for me. But I can still make the basket -- top right corner will get the layup 95% of the time. I know this. Two on two with the younger grand kids is a little easier on me.

Softball - well, the boys and I played catch and even a few games or at least practiced hitting etc. I still remember where our bases were. Rose bush was first base - tree at end of yard second base - basketball goal was third. Homeplate was start of yard. I actually played softball for many, many years until blood poisoning put me in the hospital for a week at the beginning of the season. That kind of put an end to my softball years. I may not be able to run the bases now but I can hit the ball and I can throw the ball. I played shortstop and I gotta say, my aim and arm are still pretty darn good! Just ask K.C. - my aim with a snowball got her right upside the head a few years ago when we had a snowball fight.

Wrestling - my two older brothers were wrestlers in school. We wrestled at home. I know some moves but there isn't as much call to practice them. Funny, though - those moves were a lot easier to do when I was younger and skinnier.

As I said, I like sports - I just prefer playing over watching. Although, as I have gotten older it's harder to play so maybe there is hope for me becoming more of a fan of watching the games.

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