Monday, February 25, 2013

Curtailing laughter

Don't you just love laughter?  I do!   One of my favorite things to hear is the laughter of children and babies.  And there are so many things to bring on laughter.  Who can listen to a baby laugh and not laugh themselves?

I loved when my girls were little and they would get uncontrollable fits of laughter.  Thing about this is, it's contagious!  Oh how difficult it is to try to be a responsible parent when you want to laugh with them.  I was fortunate enough to be able to share this with my girls.  Well, in fact, I still share it with them when we get together!   Aren't I lucky?

Not everyone can say that I admit. And I don't get to share it as often with them as I would like. I am also fortunate enough to be able to share this form of laughter with my grandchildren.  That's probably more fun - because then you are the one getting in trouble with them.  I love that! 

I am also fortunate to be able to share bouts of laughter with my husband.  We do enjoy our laughter! 

Now have you ever stopped to consider what makes you  laugh?  It could be the antics of children or grandchildren.  I know my grand kids are always good for a laugh.  It could be something stupid yo see that strikes you as funny that sets off the laughter.  Sometimes trying to explain why you are laughing makes you laugh harder.  And sometimes  just hearing someone laugh makes me laugh. 

I know for a fact that if I texted my friend Shellie and asked her about cults and virgins she would spit her coffee out because it would make her laugh.  And I also gotta admit that every so often I send her that text just to make her laugh.  Knowing that she is laughing makes me laugh.  I also know that I can mention sandwiches and bedtime to Gary or K.C. and they will laugh.  A little inside joke but it is hilarious! 

Some of the funniest things to make us laugh are commercials.  Which brings about this post.  Gary and I were watching TV the other night when a commercial came on.  Serious announcer says: Do you suffer from uncontrollable bouts of laughter?  Seriously??   I do now.  We couldn't stop laughing wondering why suffering from laughter would be considered a problem. 

To be honest, I thought it was a fake commercial.  You know, the kind they do on Saturday Night Live?  That show confuses me because of their fake commercials.

Now, back to the commercial that set us off the other night.  I swear, we laughed for 15 minutes or more.  Even after discovering that this is considered a disease and there is medication for it!   The disease is PBA (PseudoBulboAffect).   I don't want to minimize any serious disorder or anything but you gotta admit - since when did you think of laughter as a disease? 

So what sets off our laughter now?  You guessed it.  All one of has to say is: PBA  --- oh yes, we suffer from uncontrollable bouts of laughter.  However, we are going to consider it a blessing and not a disease for us.  Laughter is the best medicine and it keeps you young. 

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